Good riddance.

The morning started like every other school day. Except this one was different. This was the day he was leaving.

As I went through the motions of getting my youngest son ready for his school day, I was preparing myself for my middle son to leave for college.

Amid the hustle of making breakfast and double-checking backpacks, I was trying to think of the little things he still needed to pack, and all the things I wanted to tell him. Time did not permit, however, and we hustled out the door.

But there was still so much I wanted to say.

I wanted to remind him to keep breakfast food in his room, because he likes to sleep til the absolute last minute. But there was no time.

We drove little brother to school in C’s car, with dad following in my packed SUV. Mr. Wonderful let me ride with my boy, allowing me to squeeze in the last few precious hours. After dropping his brother off, we rendezvoused for breakfast.

Once we settled in at a table my husband asked, “What Shakespeare play had that dad who gave the good advice to his son? ‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be…’”

“Hamlet,” C replied.

Then he looked across the table with a smirk and said, “Dad, don’t be a Polonius.”

The moment looked a little like this, only at a Subway in New Orleans. (Source:

The moment looked a little like this, only at a Subway in New Orleans.

His father smiled back in silent agreement.

But there was still so much more I wanted to say.

I wanted to remind him that I’d packed all the medicine he’d need if he got sick, and that his insurance card was in his wallet. And that if he needed anything, he had my credit card.

Instead we chatted about the campus, and its proximity to the beach. Then we got back in the cars and headed east.

For the next few hours, Slick and I chatted about many things. Some profound, some mundane. Some practical, some superfluous.

But there was still much more I wanted to say.

And before I knew it, we arrived at campus. We unloaded the car and unpacked his things. We discussed the importance of organization when mom wasn’t there to find things. We talked about the dynamics of living with a roommate. Not ready to separate, we went shopping for snacks and drinks and breakfast foods, and notebooks and pens and extension cords. We had lunch and laughed when he spilled ketchup on his shorts – and I wished I’d bought that stain remover thing I’d seen in Target. Then I remembered doing laundry with Mr. Wonderful in college, and smiled. He’d figure it out. And he’ll have the time of his life doing so.

We returned to the dorm and I felt a quiet satisfaction, knowing he was ready.

It was time for me to go.

Quickly, before he had a chance to see me cry.

I told him again how much I loved him, and how proud I was of the man he had become. And even though there was so much more I wanted to say, I simply said goodbye.

Good riddance, son. I hope you have the time of your life.
(Click the link, it all makes sense when you do.)


59 thoughts on “Good riddance.

  1. Pingback: First Year Lessons Through the Rearview Mirror (Part 3) | Transitioning Mom

  2. OmaOrBubby

    Love this post…I remember when my youngest (now almost 20) left to school out of town for the first time post -high school. I was so emotional with the good-byes at the airport that I forgot to take pictures! When we were driving home from the airport, that’s all I could say, “We didn’t take a single picture!” As if that would have made the transition easier….but truth is he did great (thank G-d) and we’re proud of him (and mom did well too after a few days…)

  3. Pingback: Roots and Wings | The Lucky Mom

  4. Kim Harms

    This is such a good reminder to enjoy my boys while I still have them under my roof. Time just speeds by, and someday my house won’t be filled with stinky socks and video games. Great post.

  5. Honest Mom

    Aw, Lisha. Lovely post. My oldest is in second grade and I know college is many years away. But damn, reading this made it seem that much closer. I can picture her as an 18yo, going to college, leaving her at her dorm… *sniff*

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom Post author

      Every year goes a little faster than the one before it, Honest Mom. I swear this kid was just making rain catchers in Cub Scouts, now he’s all grown up and lives in another state. You’ve got time to get yourself ready if you start now!

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom Post author

      It is surreal. My own drop-off experience as the daughter came flooding back to me, juxtaposing itself to being the mother doing the dropping off. I’m sure when the next one heads off it’ll be just as surreal.

  6. afterthekidsleave

    Beautiful post. Even though it’s been more than a few years since my first went off to university, you brought back all the emotions of that day, making it feel like yesterday, not 10 years ago!

  7. dberonilla

    I really enjoyed this! There are so many things I want to tell the beautiful little people I have created, but I bet those things multiply by 100 when those little people become BIG people!
    College is such a huge step, and I hope it is a great experience… for both of you!

  8. nataliedeyoung

    Aw, saying goodbye is so hard! I can imagine the fullness of what you must be feeling.

  9. beingnenne

    Such a wonderful post. I know its hard to let go but he is going to make some lifelong friends and memories there. College will see the birth of stories that will be repeated at every reunion, of pranks that will still bring tears to his eyes 20 years from now, girlfriends he will look back at fondly. It might even be where he meets his bestman. The place he will long to go back when he settles down with a job. I look back at college so fondly and as good as life is now, I’d go back in a heartbeat..:)

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom Post author

      Your vision is exactly what I hope his experience turns out to be. He has been there a month now, and he’s having the time of his life. Just like I hoped. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, beingnenne!

  10. mistyslaws

    Seems like those few extra hours really did the trick. Even though there was more to say, you didn’t need to. He knows anyway. I have many years until my boys leave, but I’m already dreading the moment. You were very brave and strong, momma. Good job.

  11. samanthabmerel

    I can’t even imagine how it feels, sending a kid off to college. Sending you lots of smiles 🙂

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom

      Thanks, Samantha! It’s been almost a week, and my tears are all dried up. I’ve seen a few glimpses of him on his school’s Facebook page, all smiling and happy. And I know he’s where he wants to be. He’s actually my second one to go away, but he’s a bit further away than his brother, and out of state. While the physical distance isn’t that much further, it feels very far away. Anywho… I’m doing fine now. And so is he.

  12. livingjunglegym

    All the trials that we endure as parents seem to me to be more stepping stones for the parents to let the child go, rather than for the child to take wing. As my oldest is only 8, I hope I am ready when the time comes for her to take flight.

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom

      Oh, absolutely! It was definitely harder for mom and dad than for the boy! But I’ve known all along that I only had them for a short time. I just didn’t realize how quickly that time would fly. Cliche, I know.

      I visited your site, that’s quite a crew you have there! Thanks for stopping by here. 🙂

  13. Meg

    WE are taking our eldest to college on Friday. Fortunately I have his high maintenance sister to come back home to. She’s been waiting 14 years to get to be the only child…..

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom

      Meg, my youngest has waited 13 years for that privilege! But he also knows he now gets their share of chores, too. It’s been almost a week, and he’s slowly creeping into their bedrooms, sprawling out, having the entire upstairs to himself. 🙂

  14. Shmoo Radley

    I’m thinking that as hard it must be to have a child leave home, it has got to be be better than having one that won’t leave home. But I don’t have any first-hand knowledge, so can’t know for sure. Nice post.

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom

      No, I’m pretty sure he just wanted me to leave. 🙂 But we had our moment later that day. Later that day I texted him the link to the song linked to the post (Good Riddance by GreenDay), and wished him good riddance. That’s probably when he had his tears, if he had them at all. But I know my boy loves me, and I know that it’s time for him to fly.

  15. Robbie

    I cannot even begin to imagine sending one off to college–though I’ve only got 6 short years. I imagine it always feels like there will never be enough time……

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom

      Robbie, I believe you’re right. If I’d had 5 more years, I still couldn’t have said it all. Now I’ve got to trust that I’ve given him the roots he needed when he was with me, and that his wings are strong enough to carry him from here.

  16. elleroy was here (@modmomelleroy)

    I am absolutely crying. My oldest starts 8th grade this year, but I can’t believe it will be high school next year and then…well…I’ll be feeling this way soon enough. So much to say and probably half of it will be met with “yeah, okay mom…” (insert eyeroll). So bittersweet. Well written, Mama. I felt it in my heart the whole way.

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom

      My youngest started 8th grade last week, so I’m in that place, too. 🙂 And if they’re rolling their eyes when you speak, it means they heard you. And if you weren’t sounding like a complete idiot to them, you wouldn’t be doing it right.

      Thanks for stopping by, elleroy!

  17. TIA

    It makes me anxious for you! I was a wreck just adjusting to the middle school this year. I fear I will never be as cool as you just made yourself!!:)

  18. Jodi

    I was doing okay, reading your words, until I played the song .. and then the tears came. My oldest will be leaving for college in a few weeks; he’s turned out to be such a great kid, and I know he will have the time of his life, but it’s hard to think about. I keep telling myself that this was the goal, and he is so ready …

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom Post author

      You’ve got your head in the right place, Jodi. This was always the goal. Indulge your feelings when it’s happening, then turn your thoughts to him. And wish him Good Riddance.

      1. Jodi

        Oh, thank you. I read somewhere recently that while it’s hard to have them leave, the summer leading up to college is stressful because they can be a royal pain in the neck. That has been our experience (to a degree), so it’s a combination of good riddance! and Good Riddance. Either way, it’s all good …

          1. Jodi

            I will! Now, any advice on what to do with a 15 year old girl that is going on 24 going on 3? Sigh… :>)

  19. Anonymous

    Oh, thanks, Lucky Mom – I’m crying again, remembering how hard it was to walk out of my son’s dorm room last week. Yes, he’ll figure it all out, but part of me – a big part – didn’t want him to have to.

    1. Lisha @ The Lucky Mom

      Sorry, Anonymous. You should see the pile of kleenex in the garbage can next to me right now. But, I think this might mark the end of my crying. By now, he’s having the time of his life!

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