If You Give a Mom a Vacuum

{ Via: workitmom.com }

I really should vacuum.

But if I vacuum and don’t bathe the dog, the house will still smell like dirty dog. So if I vacuum, I have to bathe the dog.

If I bathe the dog, I’ll have to clean the bathroom.

If I clean the hall bathroom, I may as well clean all the bathrooms.

If I clean all the bathrooms and vacuum, I should probably mop the tile.

If I mop the kitchen, I should wipe down the cabinets.

If I’m getting the wood cleaner out, I should do the banister as well.

If the banister is clean, I should clean the paw marks off of the front door.

I think I’ll go shopping.

16 thoughts on “If You Give a Mom a Vacuum

  1. singleworkingmomswm

    Cute! The domino effect…it got me this weekend, and thus, I opted to neglect my domestic duties…or rather…put them off for a day. 🙂

    1. Lisha Post author

      Well, I usually end up at Target, because I can rationalize that I’m there to buy “household” items. If I throw in socks and underwear for my boys, I can justify the trip!

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


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